National Achievements :

Period Name Activities & Achievements
1975-1976 Shri K Rajagopal Advise to farmers and field development work
1977-1978 Shri M B S Henry Advise to farmers and field development work
1979-1980 Shri G Varadaraj Advise to farmers and field development work
1981-1985 Shri V Vidyasagar Land Purchased
Construction of factory buildings / quarters commenced.
1985-1989 Shri R Ethirajulu Completion of construction of factory buildings / quarters, Installation Ginning machines
1989-1996 Shri V Ravichandran Installation of Seed Grading Machine
Restoration of Suvin project commenced
1996-2002 Shri V Jayaraman Installed Pipelines in farm, Construction of Vinayagar Temple
Commenced SHB-3, SCHH-1 (GKS) Projects
2002-2007 Shri J Thulasidharan Installation of Delinting Unit, Needle Sorter machine, Chemical treatment machine, agriculture implements
Commenced SIMA Super MCU 5 project
2007-2010 Shri P D Damodaran Commenced own Kapas procurement
Developed SCHH -1, SCHH-2.Released SCHH-1 in the name of GKS
2010-2012 Shri V Selvapathy Installation of Baling Unit
Developed SHB 3
2012-2014 Shri T Rajkumar Initiated the project to mechanise kapas plucking
Commenced M 55 and Shakthi Bt Projects.
Mooted co-marketing of Bt hybrid seed with M/s Kaveri Seeds.
After his period he initiated the process of distributing SIMA Kapas Plucker in Tamil Nadu with Subsidy
2014-2016 Shri K Narayanasaami Installation of escalator for seed processing, Initiated SIMA Kapas Plucker Project
Renovationof Suvin achieved
Commenced development 14 varieties
2016-2018 Shri B Lakshminarayana Initiated the process to distribute SIMA Kapas Plucker machines through CCI, Got the machine tested and certified; Uganda Project, Participation in ITME-Africa 2020
Released Shakthi Bt
2018-2020 Shri R Elango Bulk marketing of SIMA seeds and SIMA Kapas Pluckers, Received approval for release of 14 varieties and one hybrid for distribution in Tamil Nadu, SBSG 1-5 (SIMA Platimum) in Central Zone.
2020-22 Shri R Ravichandran Renovation factory building and staff quarters. Installation of Seed Packing Machine. Formation of "Special Cotton Mission" by Government of Tamil Nadu to increase ELS cotton production in the State

  • Shakthi Bt variety developed by the Association was recommended for commercial release in the Central Zone states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra by the Varietal Identification Committee on 24th December 2018. The variety has been assigned with the National Identity Number IC638613 by ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi. Fibre Properties of the Bt variety is given below.

Duration Yield Length Strength MIC Gin Outturn%
145 2800-2900 27.8-28.5 28.9-29.5 3.9-4.2 27.8-28.5

  • SBSG 1-5 (SIMA Platinum) developed by the Association was identified by the Varietal Identification Committee for release in Central Zone States of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat under irrigated conditions on 18th May 2020. The variety has been assigned with National Identity Number IC634525 by ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi. Fibre properties of the variety with other popular ELS varieties are as follows.

Item unit Suvin Giza 70 Pima SBSG 1-5
Duration Days 215 190 175 170
Average yield Kg/ha 1600 2200 2150 2000
Gin. Outturn % 29-30 34 35 32
Staple Length mm 37 35.8 35 38
Strength g/tex 37.5 38 37.5 38.83
MIC (μg/inch) 2.9-3.0 3.4 3.4 3.3
Spinning. Potential Ne 100s-120s Above 100s 80s-100s 120s-140s

  • The Director of Seed Certification and Organic Certification, Coimbatore had approved for distribution of seeds (4 medium staple, 5 long staple, 5 extra long staple varieties and one extra long staple hybrid) of varieties / hybrids Developed by the Association on March 8, 2019. Fibre properties of the varieties / Hybrid are given below:

S.No Name of Variety/Hybrid Plant height (cm) Duration (Days) Mean Yield of seed cotton -Kg/Ha Ginning % Staple Length (mm) Strength (g/tex) Mic Suitable for
Medium Staple
1 SIMA HITECH-1 110-120 160 2779 36 27.5-28.0 22.0-23.5 3.5-3.8 Summer & Winter
2 SIMA-Compact-32 50-65 145 2707 40 27.2 22.2 3.8 Summer & Winter
3 SIMA Shakthi 100-105 155 2698 35-36 27.8-28.5 22.6 4.2 Winter
4 SIMA-113 105-110 160 2380 36 28.2 23 4 Summer & Winter
Long Staple
5 SIMA-24 80-90 145 2530 36 28.5 25 3.8 Summer
6 SIMA-102 85-95 155 3732 36-37 28-29 22.5 3.78 Summer & Winter
7 SIMA-M-55 110 160 2809 34-36 30.2 24.4 3.8 Summer & Winter
8 SIMA-J-23 90-100 155 2990 36 30.2 23 3.6 Summer & Winter
9 SIMA-374 100 155 3622 37 32 23.5 3.6 Summer & Winter
Extra Long Staple
10 SIMA-Sivashakthi 90-100 150 2620 36-37 33.5-34.5 23.5-24.0 3.5-3.9 Summer & Winter
11 SIMA-LI-3 90 155 2134 38-40 32.63 23.8 3.5 Summer & Winter
12 SIMA-5 115 165 2420 33 34.8 24.5 3.7 Summer & Winter
13 SIMA-GB-1-5 100-105 165-170 2340 33-34 37.5-38.0 28.5-29.0 3.2-3.5 Winter
14 SIMA Mahashakthi 100-105 155 2964 35-36 33.5-34.5 24.6 4.2 Summer & Winter
15 SIMA HB-3 (Hybrid) 120 170 2580 32 35.0-37.0 27.2 3.1 Winter

  • On our Initiatives the Government of Tamil Nadu had formed a "Special Cotton Mission in Tamil Nadu" to promote area expansion under Extra Long Staple Cotton and constituted a Three Member Committee with SIMA CD & RA Secretary cum Chief Cotton Breeder Dr M Asha Rani as one of the member to chart down the modalities.

Involvement of Scientists


The Association has been utilising the services and guidance of a galaxy of scientists from CICR, TNAU, etc. Names of a few of them are as follows:

Dr V Santhanam, Dr M S Swaminathan, Dr A K Basu, Dr S S Narayanan, Dr R Thuljaram Rao, Dr K Venugopal, Dr R Krishnaswami, Dr K V Srinivasan, Shri A Subramaniam, Dr K Natarajan, Dr T Surulivelu, Dr M V Venugopalan, Dr V T Sundaramurthy, Dr V Selvaraj, Dr Karthikeyan, Dr S Venkatakrishnan, Dr Mayilsamy

The Association has also engaged the following scientists on a full-time basis to monitor and to lead the R & D and the seed multiplication work for distribution to the farmers.

Dr M Marappan, Dr Aaron, Dr A Narayanan, Dr Kalidurai, Dr Koodalingam, Prof Dr T V Karivaradaraju, etc

Notable contributions


Scientists contributed as members of technical /Advisory committees. Individual contributions are difficult to quantify as their suggestion are grouped and implemented.

Dr V Santhanam’s contribution was immense (for more than three decades). His advice has helped us to design our breeding programmes in evolving new varieties / hybrids.

Dr M Marappan, as a full time employee of the Association was involved in the development of LRA 5166, SIMA-1, SCHH-1 (GKS), SCHH-2, etc till 1995. After his retirement Dr A Narayanan continued the work as full-time employee of the Association till 2003. Afterwards Dr V Karivaratharaju had initiated seed pelleting work and got grants for agriculture machinery 2008.

Dr M Asha Rani, since 1995 worked under the guidance of Dr V Santhanam, Dr M Marappan, Dr A Narayanan, Dr V Karivaratharaju till 2003 and afterwards she worked with Mr V Muthusamy and under the guidance of Dr V Santhanam and implementing the suggestions given by the technical / advisory committee of the Association from time to time till date.

The Association places on record the valuable services of the scientists who have yielded great results to the Farming Community and the Textile Industry.

MoU with CDO & NARO of Uganda


  • Entered into a MoU with Cotton Development Organisation (CDO) and National Agricultural Organisation (NARO) of Uganda for germplasm exchange and develop new varieties giving higher yield and improved fibre properties Also to disseminate production technology and practices for adoption by the cotton farmers in Uganda.

  • Germplasm exchange - Received three varieties having higher gin out percentages (BPA 95, BPA 2015 A and BPA 2015 B). The three varieties were sown at our Ponneri farm during December 10, 2020 and the grown was subjected to PEQ inspection during adaptation trials on March 29, 2021. Further seed multiplication process is going on. We have supplied four of our own varieties (SHS-102, SIMA-5, M 55 and MCH 84) to CDO for adaptation and multiplication trials in Uganda.

  • Supplied 20 SIMA Kapas Pluckers, demonstrated and imparted training on the fields in Uganda.

  • Virtual Training Programme on “Cotton Development Initiate in Uganda” conducted.

Participation in Expos

  • Regularly participate in the "Texfair" Expos organised by SIMA.

  • Participated in "ITME-Africa 2020" jointly organised by India ITME Socity, the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association (ECCSA), largest Technology and Engineering Event in the African Continent during February 14-16, 2019 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Promotion of Organic Cotton through TNSRLM Meeting organised by Tamilnadu Corporation For Development of Women Ltd.,(a GoTN undetaking) on May 13, 2022

Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Mr M KStalin released the ELS variety “SIMA Platinum (SBSG 1-5) during “Tamil Nadu – Investors’ First Port of Call Investment Conclave – Nov 2021” at Codissia Trade Fair Complex, Coimbatore on November 23, 2021

Certificate of Appreciation was conferred on Dr M Asha Rani, Chief Cotton Breeder, SIMA CDRA for the active participation and support of, in training of farmers for best farm practices and operating hand-held kapas plucker machines under CSR activities of the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) as well as for distribution of good quality two lakh kilogram ELS cotton seeds to farmers through Government of Tamil Nadu. on November 24, 2021

SIMA HB-3, Shakthi Bt, Sivashakthi Bt trials in the states of Rajashtan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra by CITI CD & RA.

Dr M Asha Rani, Secretary cum Chief Cotton Breeder and Mr K Madhubabu, Scientific Assistant along with CITI CD & RA Chairman Mr P D Patodia, office-bearers & Officials, Mr Suresh Kotak visited trial farms in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan during November 13-14, 2018 and held discussions with cotton farmers.

Visit of Shri Santhosh Kumar Gangwar, Hon’ble Union Textile Minister for Interaction Meeting at SIMA on 22nd January, 2016

Release of SIMA GKD-1 Cotton Seed by Dr Kavuru Sambasiva Rao, Hon'ble Minister for Textiles on 18th January 2014